
Recent Jobs

Carpet Repair in Essex

Did you know BCR specializes in repairing pet damage? Our new client Bonnie knows! She needed three repairs done on the carpet in her Essex home to erase the damage done by her four legged friend. All done, and it looks great!

Floor Joist Repair and Carpet Installation in Pigtown

Benjamin in Pigtown just moved into his home and noticed the floor was uneven. When we removed the carpet and subfloor, we found there was an improperly installed sister joist. We repaired the joist, reinstalled the subfloors, installed new padding, and also installed new carpet in the bedroom and dining room. Now, the floor is nice and even, and Benjamin doesn’t have to worry about rolling downhill in his home!

Baltimore Window Replacement

Kim needed a few windows replaced in her Baltimore rental due to rotten wood. Will, our BCR handyman, got the job done right! The new windows look great, and there is no more rotting wood to contend with! BCR does all kinds of handyman work too! Give us a shout for help with your next project.

Hardwood Floor Repair and Refinishing in Federal Hill

Lauren is a referral and recently bought a home in Federal Hill. She wanted to do some work before she moves in, and BCR will be handling the floors. We started work in the family room. The floor had an area that needed to be repaired before we can refinish it. Luckily, we could find the wood locally, and the repair won’t be noticeable once the floors are done. Our next step is refinishing the floors. Stay tuned to see pics of the finished project. It’s going to be beautiful!